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Friday, October 07, 2005

I have a coldsore. Is that herpes?

Did you know that even if for instance, a person has genital or even oral herpes (that would be cold sores folks, probably lots of us carry that "virus", but prefer to call it a "coldsore", well it's not "just" a coldsore. IT IS ORAL HERPES and you can transmit it to another person, orally as well as genitally). Most herpes outbreaks DO NOT look like those ones on the web. Most times, if a person gets an outbreak of any amount of severity, it's usually their "first outbreak" which is sorta God's way of sayin' "Hello!!, you now have to really be a responsible sexual partner. You have to "tell" and telling another person about something so personal can be very difficult for many". I've even read where some people have committed suicide over this because they couldn't deal with it emotionally. That is so sad and soooooo unnecessary. They could deal with outbreaks etc, but they feel like "NO ONE will ever love them" which is soooooooo untrue. Some people choose meds (you've probably seen the Valtrex commercials) to "suppress" outbreaks and to minimize shedding.


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