The Scarlet H - having a "test talk"
I decided to try a "test talk" this weekend with a very close
male friend, but someone that I am not sexually intimate with.
It seemed like a good way to practice telling someone, without
the pressure of a looming sexual encounter, or losing a romantic
relationship. He was soooo matter of fact about it, and said,
so? I have it too -- I get cold sores. Doesn't like 80% of the
population have it in one form or another? He chided me for
being so stressed about it needlessly, and really made me feel
like this is not that big a deal. How refreshing!
I made the comment about feeling like I have a big scarlet H on
my forehead and he said ... you do! It stands for "Human" ...
we all have it ... it's 100% transmissable .....and it's a fatal
condition! Now there's a new perspective! Anyway, this whole
exchange made me feel much better about the whole situation. I
might recommend the "practice talk" method with a trusted friend
or two to get comfortable talking about in situations with less
"stakes" before having to have the big talk with a romantic partner.
It's always nice to know I'm not the only one who doesn't
think that having herpes is the end of the world. Thank you to
Mary for allowing me to share her thoughts here too.
NOTE: When Mary's friend mentioned that it's a "fatal" condition,
he simply meant that we're all gonna die anyway because we are human,
not because we have herpes. Thought I would clarify that.
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