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Friday, May 11, 2007

Could this be herpes?

The first sign of a herpes virus appearance may be a rash, together with painful and itchy blisters, on the affected area of hour body. This affected area can be the mouth, anus, buittocks, penis, scrotum, vulva, vagina or buttocks. These blisters can then turn into painful ulcers. On the first outbreak, you may also suffer from swollen glands, a fever or headache and a general rundown feeling. There may be a burning sensation when urinating.

Usually, it takes up to three weeks for the first symptoms to appear but the virus can lie dormant in your system for many years. Sometimes before an outbreak occurs, you may notice some warning signs such as a tingling, burning or itching feeling in the areas where the sores will later appear. Herpes will always have the same symptoms for each outbreak. The first outbreak is usually the worse so although the symptoms seem to stay the same, the actual pain and number of sores should lesson each time an outbreak occurs.

The only proven way to prevent genital herpes being transmitted is to abstain from sexual contact completely or to be in a long-term relationship with a partner who has been tested and who is known to be uninfected. The relationship with this partner must obviously also be mutually monogamous. All other relationships must be handled with extreme caution.

Although the outbreak of genital herpes may eventually clear up without treatment, it is wise to start treatment as soon as possible. Natural healing products have been found to be very helpful in reducing both the symptoms and the duration of the infection.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to say, that I think this is misleading. Or at least, this is the kind of information that misled me. I knew that my ex-husband had herpes for years, knew that he was relatively safe, but basically, he was safe when it suited him. I have probably carried the virus for years, but didn't have an outbreak until two months ago. I THOUGHT, because of how the "first outbreak" is described, that I would know if I had it or not. And of course, when I spoke with my health care providers about it over the years, they typically dismissed my concerns as unfounded and not of concern if I didn't have symptoms. SO, my point is that the "first outbreak" is not consistent with "knowing" that one has the virus. They are NOT related and this kind of description perpetuates the cloud of ignorance that permits many who are infected to continue their ignorance. Just had to get that off my chest....

Wednesday, November 28, 2007 8:39:00 PM  
Blogger Luanne said...

I personally think it's "non-committal" and is all over the place. The article that is. That's the crazy thing about herpes though is that you never can really know for sure, exactly when you got it unless you get tested before ever having sex. People get herpes from their parents kissing them on the mouth when they're children. It's really such a crazy virus and society certainly (IMO) makes a much bigger deal out of it than it needs to be.

Also, that seems to be the other problem with health care providers and the word is just now, or over the past few years, just getting out to them as to how tricky this virus can be and that we can be carriers without any obvious symptoms. It can be very frustrating and misleading.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts :-) I guess I have to say I agree with you :-)

Friday, November 30, 2007 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for the site I've been browsing it for the last few days.

Do you know much about how the virus can be tested for in the UK?

6 years ago when I was first with my husband I had a sore rash downstairs. I went to my dr who did swabs but nothing conclusive came back. I've never had the rash since but do occasionally get a sort of ache down the back of my legs and in the groinal region.

I've asked at my GP if there is any tests can be done but she said not unless you have an active infection.

The thing is my husband and I have now gone our separate ways and I have no idea what my status on this is. Although I do fear the worst since the day after he first performed oral sex on me all those years back I found a tube of Zovirax out in the bathroom and it was about a week later I had the rash.

Sunday, March 27, 2011 7:09:00 AM  
Blogger Luanne said...

to anonymous from Sunday, March 27, 2011 7:09:00 AM

Herpes has slightly different symptoms as far as body aches and pains for everyone so it's difficult to say that what you're experiencing is related.

I know that here in the states, we can have a blood test done to test for herpes. It's called Western Blot. Not so sure about the UK though. Sorry and good luck to you.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 4:03:00 PM  

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