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Monday, May 02, 2011

HERPES!!! Say it Out Loud to Yourself....

You know, one of the most important things that I have said to people over the years, which has been extremely helpful to me as well in regard to having "the talk", is to get used to saying and hearing the word herpes yourself.  In my opinion, that is the first step in taking control of living with the virus and having to verbalize the word to a prospective mate. 

It was funny, the other night I told a prospective mate while we were riding in the car, private from wandering ears (ie: not in a bar  :-)   It was difficult to admit to say it, even with all of the practice that I've had,  but fortunately, he brought up the subject first of his life, living with Hepatitis B.  It was amazing how similiarly these two viruses can be contracted, but yet how different they are as well.  He has the attitude, as do I, it is what it is and although, hepatitis may be what sends him to his grave, herpes will not.  As I was telling him, I thought back to myself that I have said herpes out loud numerous times and so glad that I did, because it's not so hard for me to hear the words myself anymore.

Trust me, say that word outloud to yourself and get comfortable hearing the words come from your own mouth.  I can't quite express how or why that has worked for me, but others have even come back to me, saying how helpful that suggestion has been to them.

HERPES, HERPES, HERPES........say it out loud to yourself....  it's a freeing feeling....  Good luck.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I struggled to say it, to accept it. In the end it came out in words as my journey of acceptance began. Herein this safe environment i would care to share it, I have no idea whether it will help anyone, a part f me wishes it does!

I have a disease
I did not ask for it
I would never wish it on anyone
I believe I have come to terms
I have been accepted for me
I must never forget it,
I have moved on, I am living, I am human
I have the rights anyone does.
I can love, be loved.
I deserve it.
I will never judge, I should be grateful not spiteful, my disease is a burden on me, no one else. I carry it-but I will not let it shape me.
Grateful for my perspective, pure for my acceptance
Unlike how many others?
Judgement is a disease far more hurtful than anything I should bare.

In what ever way you start to accept yourself it is definitely worthwhile!

Sunday, February 05, 2012 7:12:00 PM  
Blogger Luanne said...

Hi again HX - do you mind if I use this as one of my main posts? You can respond here. Very well said.

thank you.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012 2:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can i spread herpes to my kids if i forgot to wash my hands after using the bathroom or if i used hand sanitizer instead of soap?

Saturday, March 17, 2012 2:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes i would be happy for it to be shared! hx

Thursday, March 29, 2012 4:08:00 PM  
Blogger Luanne said...

to anon from Saturday, March 17, 2012 2:52:00 PM

I think you'll be OK. Soap vs. hand sanitizer..... I think you'll be fine :-)

to anon from March 29, 2012 - ty HX

Monday, April 09, 2012 7:15:00 PM  

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