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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Herpes Might Lead To Alzheimer's

Now here is a scary thought. Now unfortunately, alot of what was originally written here is a bit of jibberish to me, but the word Alzheimer's and herpes together, yikes!!

New research says that herpes could play a role in the development of the most common form of dementia, Alzheimer's disease.

The study shows the connection between a gene and herpes simplex 1, or HSV. The form of the ApoE gene called ApoE-4 is the top known factor for Alzheimer's while HSV is the form of herpes that leads to cold sores around the mouth.

The researchers from the University of Rochester Medical Center, concluded that ApoE-4 allows the herpes virus to be more active in the brain.

"The data suggest that ApoE-4 may support the ability of HSV to be a more virulent pathogen," said Howard Federoff, lead author of the research.

The research studied the activity levels of HSV in the brains of mice with the human ApoE gene.

The HSV virus affects brain cells about whether or not the ApoE-4 is present. Although the mice with the ApoE-4 version has the virus being less latent and a better tendency to multiply.

Date of original article: January 4, 2007 9:19 a.m. EST
Written by: Josephine Roque - All Headline News Staff Writer


Friday, May 11, 2007

Could this be herpes?

The first sign of a herpes virus appearance may be a rash, together with painful and itchy blisters, on the affected area of hour body. This affected area can be the mouth, anus, buittocks, penis, scrotum, vulva, vagina or buttocks. These blisters can then turn into painful ulcers. On the first outbreak, you may also suffer from swollen glands, a fever or headache and a general rundown feeling. There may be a burning sensation when urinating.

Usually, it takes up to three weeks for the first symptoms to appear but the virus can lie dormant in your system for many years. Sometimes before an outbreak occurs, you may notice some warning signs such as a tingling, burning or itching feeling in the areas where the sores will later appear. Herpes will always have the same symptoms for each outbreak. The first outbreak is usually the worse so although the symptoms seem to stay the same, the actual pain and number of sores should lesson each time an outbreak occurs.

The only proven way to prevent genital herpes being transmitted is to abstain from sexual contact completely or to be in a long-term relationship with a partner who has been tested and who is known to be uninfected. The relationship with this partner must obviously also be mutually monogamous. All other relationships must be handled with extreme caution.

Although the outbreak of genital herpes may eventually clear up without treatment, it is wise to start treatment as soon as possible. Natural healing products have been found to be very helpful in reducing both the symptoms and the duration of the infection.


