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Friday, September 30, 2005

TV commercial about herpes

I saw the new one today and it was fabulous. They're finally
getting the message out about the truth about herpes. Just
the facts and the more they talk about this on TV, the more
it's going to be in people's faces. I think this is so
exciting and such a positive thing and it certainly will make
it easier for those who think they should be ashamed, to
realize it's not the end of the world and it's soooooo common.

Good herpes doctors - they do exist

Finally, an educated yet compassionate response to someone
who has the herpes virus. What a great doctor, he presented
the facts and is aware of what people go through emotionally.

Although herpes infections are rarely more than a physical
nuisance, many people, especially those with genital herpes,
experience a sense of rejection, isolation and fear of
intimate contact.

Read the entire article here:

Also saw this in the Buffalo News yesterday.

Whatever happened to using mice for laboratory testing

And now they're going to infect mice with the herpes virus which
will hopefully, according to this article, could control mice plagues.
I wonder if this particular strain is similar to what all of these
carp (fish) have been dying from? Seems like it's been happening more
and more lately. Related?? Makes me wonder. Carp are some UGLY
lookin' fish and you sure can't eat them.

Here's an excerpt from the article:

A GENETICALLY engineered herpes virus could help control
plagues of wild mice, researchers said today.

Preliminary research into the mouse cytomegalovirus has
showed it rendered mice infertile for up to 250 days –
equivalent to the breeding season in the wild.

"For example, we have to be able to ensure sufficient
transmission and induction of infertility among mice

"Secondly, we need to be certain that the virus is
species specific.

"Importantly, we have to be sure it is a publicly
acceptable pest control measure."

Interesting to say the least. Sure wouldn't hurt my feelings
if there were a few less mice out there. As long as it was
species specific. My cat loves to catch mice!! Poor thing.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

How do I tell someone I have herpes?

Telling someone you have HSV and/or another STD is in many ways very
frightening. It’s a fair statement that it’s a lot harder on you to
tell someone, than it is for another person to hear what you're telling
them. So it’s important to have some idea of what you're going to
say and how you're going to say it. I came up with a really easy to
follow formula for telling that makes sure you've got all your bases

K – Knowledge
A – Approach
A – Attitude
T – Timing

If you follow KAAT, it would go something like this:


When you have to tell someone something this important, you need to
make sure you have all the information that might be needed. In
that list that you need to be able to address are:

1. What HSV is
2. How HSV is transmitted
3. Transmission rate information
4. Methods of treating HSV
5. Methods of preventing HSV transmission

A great resource for all this information, which can also be used
as a backup to what you are telling your “Potential” partner is
the Free Herpes Handbook from Terri Warren. In fact, there’s
no harm in supplying the link for this book to a potential
partner or giving them a printed copy of the book.


How to approach having this conversation with someone is very
important. There are generally four ways to tell someone. They
should always be told before any contact with area infected by
herpes and before the heat of the moment.

They are:

1. *Face to face –this is preferred.
2. *Telephone Call
3. *Email or Electronic Message ( Chat )
4. *Letter ( Snail-Mail or Delivered in Person )

There are pro's and con's to each method. If you choose to tell
someone face to face, you may get to see some initial reactions
that will give you a hint of what the other person is thinking.
On the other hand, if you are concerned about the person’s
reaction, you can try via phone. The advantage of either email
or a letter is that you have time to really think about what you
are saying and how you say it. There is a really good letter
included in the “Living and Loving with Herpes” report that is
distributed by Antopia. For a free copy of the Antopia report,
go to http://www.gotherpes.com and click on the link for the
report. This report also has a possible conversation to have
with someone via telephone or face to face. It’s up to you what
you feel most comfortable with, but either way, no matter what
approach you choose to take, make sure you do a bit of rehearsal
of what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it before
you actually tell.


This is the place where most people get rejected when they tell,
because this is the meat of the whole discussion. There are
some important things to think about here:

What your experience with HSV has been colors how you tell and
the way in which you tell. If you've had bad outbreaks instead
of mild ones, you may be more prone to say that HSV isn't that
easy to deal with than someone that has only ever had one or no

What you feel about your HSV currently colors how you tell a
partner. Since this person likely has no experience with HSV,
they rely on what you tell them of your experience to form an
opinion. What you say here and your own feelings about having
HSV can make or break you.

How you got HSV doesn't matter. It shouldn't matter either.
If you feel angry about how you got HSV, that anger will be
revealed to the potential partner, and the emotions may be
strong enough that they may reject you because they cannot
or do not want to handle the additional baggage.

Remember why you are telling someone about having HSV. It’s
so that they can make an informed choice. They have the right
to know that you have HSV and to decide if they want to risk
being infected. You should respect their choice and right to
decide either way, but if the decision isn't the one you wanted
to hear, then you will need to deal with whatever feelings come
along with that decision without placing blame on them.


Timing comes in two forms. The first is when in the
relationship do you tell, the second is when in the time of
day do you tell. Those are decisions that you have to make for
yourself, but here are some options and thoughts on the subject.

For when in the relationship you should tell, there are two
schools of thought on this. The first is to tell early in the
relationship, so that if there is a rejection, you will be
spared a lot of hurt. This idea has it’s advantages and
disadvantages. The advantage is that you minimize the risk
and the pain, but the disadvantage is that you don’t have
the emotional investment from the other person to influence
them staying with you. On the other hand, if you tell later
in the relationship, you have that emotional investment going
for you, but if the person does reject you, then it hurts much
more than if you had told earlier in the relationship.

As for the time of day telling, well, definitely not when
you're all passionate with each other. It not only kills the
mood, but there’s so much frustration involved that it’s not
even funny. So, a calm and relaxed time of day would be good.
Telling during a quiet private time together at either partner’s
home over a cup of coffee would work, and be prepared to have
them tell you that they need to think about it for a few days.
That’s fine, because thinking is good. However, make sure
that if you decide to give them a few days, make it clear you
need to have some sort of answer or further contact by a
certain timeframe in order to know where you stand. You deserve
an answer to whether or not your potential partner will stay
with you as much as your potential partner deserves to know
you have HSV. I think the best way to do this is to ask your
partner when he/she would like to be called in 24-72 hours.
Be ready to share information and for his anger or sadness,
remember it is at the herpes NOT at you. Give him/her time
while still being in friendly company.

Tips for Telling a Partner:
Thanks to Amanda for sharing this on the forums.

1. Tell them before you have sex with them, but wait until
you're sure you like them enough to want to have sex with them.
After all, what's the point of telling someone right off the
bat, before you're sure if the relationship is going to go
anywhere? (Warning: do NOT wait until you are in bed and/or
fooling around to disclose: emotions and passions run high
and people are not thinking clearly enough at this time to
make an educated, rational decision.
Remember, herpes is not a "bedtime story".

2. Tell them in a place where you have some privacy (i.e..
your home, their home, or a park). A parked car is OK,
but do not tell them while you or they are driving! Some
people suggest that you tell at your partner's place
because they will feel the most comfortable there.
However, Dr. Hirsch suggests you tell at your place rather
than theirs, because that way they can get up and leave
if they feel uncomfortable and need time to be alone and

3. STAY CALM! If you get hysterical and start crying, they
will pick up on your fear and it will have a negative effect
on their perception of the virus.

4. Ask them if they've ever been tested for STD's, HIV, etc.,
or if they've ever had an STD. That will get THEM talking
about it first, and will give you some insight on their STD
background and attitude. You could also try bringing it up
in the context of a "safe sex" talk. Ask them how they feel
about safe sex, do they use condoms, etc. Tell them that safe
sex is very important to you, because once you were "unlucky"
and got an STD.

5. If possible, have some pamphlets or printed information
on herpes to give them, so they can read it over later. ASHA
has some excellent pamphlets called "Telling your partner
about herpes" and "When your partner has herpes."
(go to www.ashastd.org for pamphlet ordering info.)

6. After you tell them you have herpes, ask them "what do
you know about it? Again, it will get them talking and will
take the pressure off of you. It will also help you understand
what THEY know, so you know how much information you need to
give them. (Odds are, even if they don't have it, they may
have a friend who has it and may know something about it.)

7. Ask them if they have any questions about it, and try
to answer whatever questions they have as calmly and as
honestly as you can. If they ask you something you don't know,
tell them you don't know, but that the two of you can
research it together. Recommend some websites they can look
at when you're not around.

8. Don't panic if they don't take the news well at first!
Some people need time to think about something like this.
Some people might accept it right away, some might panic
and reject you at first, but they may change their mind
in a day or two (or a week or two)...you never know.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Koi Herpes Virus at it again in Indiana

Fish dying from the koi herpes virus. Last month
I told you about an outrageous number of fish
dying in the Southern Tier of NY on Chautauqua Lake.

Now it's happened again on Wolf Lake in Indiana.

Luckily, the herpes virus which is affecting these
fish is not the same herpes virus which is common in
humans and which is not life threatening. Mind you,
there are always exceptions to every rule, but for
the majority, it's simply a skin condition.

Read the article:

Friday, September 23, 2005

Before you get naked

The honest and moral thing for two people who are embarking on a
physical relationship is to talk about STD's and to let their possible
mate know of their situation, if they in fact have any STD's.

How about making a first date to go "find out" your status, especially
before you have sex. All of us are too quick to think 'It won't happen
to me!!' Don't kid yourself, I used to think the same way.

People who are aware of the fact that they have an STD (ie: herpes, HIV
or whatever) should be doing the right thing by telling their partners,
and we would hope that their partners felt the need to be responsible too.
None of us are immune to STD's and could be living with one and not even be aware.

I contracted Herpes from a guy who probably knew he had herpes but
failed to tell me. Mind you, it was my own fault for not requiring
more of the men who I had been meeting and having sexual relations
with. Heck, I never brought the subject up either, so I guess at
that time, it made me no better than him. Never assume that
everything and everyone is OK. Contrary to popular belief, people
who have herpes DO NOT walk around with a scarlet H attached to
their forehead.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Herpes humor

Hey did you hear about the new STD?

It's called "chirpies". It's a canarial disease for which there is no tweetment....


sent to me from my good friend Chuck and of course, now he thinks he'll be famous. Luv ya Chuck. Rock on

Monday, September 19, 2005

Outbreak during pregnancy

Can I have a normal delivery? Should I plan to have a cesarean
(c-section) to deliver my baby?

Here is a good response to many of those questions about
pregnancy and herpes.

Betsy said:
First of all since you've had herpes prior to becoming
pregnant your only risk is during delivery. Herpes only affects
the baby in utero if it's newly acquired during pregnancy. Even
then it's only a 5% chance which is fairly low ( your risk of
having a baby with a birth defect in general is around 3% to help
you put it in perspective ).

Your baby is protected by the amniotic sac and the thick mucous
plug. No worries when you have an ob during pregnancy.

Ask your doctor to start suppressive therapy now. For pregnancy
the suppressive therapy doses are a little higher - valtrex 500mg
twice a day or acyclovir 400mg 3 times a day. Being pregnant your
body is slighty immunosuppressed so you need the higher doses to
adequately suppress the virus. Also be sure to drink a lot of
water - we tend to drink less when we have ob's and you don't want
to get dehydrated. Dehydration can cause premature labor so even
if it hurts to pee keep drinking tons! You can soak in the tubby
with aveeno bath. Ice packs and cold compresses are also useful.
You can also take tylenol while pregnant too.

Since you've had herpes prior to becoming pregnant as long as you
don't have an active ob present at the time of delivery, your
risk of transmitting the virus to your baby is less than 1%.
Should you have an active ob a c section is warranted but
otherwise it's pretty safe to have a vaginal delivery. Avoid
a fetal scalp monitor on your baby though during labor - it
provides a direct portal into the baby should you be shedding
the virus at all. You transmitted protective antibodies
against your herpes to your fetus around 28 weeks of
gestation to help protect her against acquiring herpes during
labor should you be asymptomatically shedding. Taking
suppressive therapy decreases your chances of having a
lesion at the time of delivery and also reduces the chances
of shedding the virus in general. It might not seem worth
it for a 1% risk but to me the peace of mind is invaluable
knowing that you are doing all you can do.

The vast majority of women with herpes deliver perfectly
normal babies from a herpes standpoint :) I know it's very
hard not to obsess about complications at this point but
relax! You can control your herpes even during pregnancy :)

Betsy is an active participant on many of the same Herpes Support
boards which I also belong to. You can read her H-pal story here:

Saturday, September 17, 2005

STI tests not all-inclusive

Herpes is not a part of the routine STD screening test. You HAVE to specifically request it.

The health center’s STI tests do not cover the two most prevalent STIs on the campus: human papilloma virus infection — more commonly known as genital warts — and genital herpes.

“People get tested for STIs and assume they were tested for everything out there,” said Tara Torchia, the health center’s coordinator for sexual health. “Most people assume you can be tested for everything ... but the most common STIs can’t be tested for.”

This news caught many students off guard.

“I’m surprised that you can’t test for herpes; I didn’t know that,” said Emile Stanley, a junior psychology major. “I didn’t think it mattered; I thought it could test for all of them.”

“I would assume that they test everything possible ... I would think [the health center] would put it as a priority to test,” said Amy Ravi, a junior biology major.

The article is quite lengthy, read on to learn more about why:

Friday, September 16, 2005

Children and cold sores

What causes cold sores?

Cold sores are caused by a virus called herpes, one of the most common viral infections in the world. The medical name for the specific virus that causes cold sores is “herpes simplex.” Herpes simplex is so common that most Americans get infected with it, although many never have any symptoms. People can get cold sores by kissing a person with one or sharing a drinking glass or utensils. Kids who get infected with HSV-1 may get cold sores occasionally for the rest of their lives, because even after the sores are gone the virus stays in the body, waiting for a trigger to cause more sores.

Recommended reading on coldsores:

Herpes Whitlow

What is Herpes Whitlow?

Infection of the fingers and nail bed with HSV-1; caused by ungloved contact with an active herpetic lesion.


This disease of persons who come in manual contact with
herpes-infected body secretions can be cause by either
type of HSV and enters the body via small wounds on the
hands or wrists. It can also be caused by transfer of HSV-2
from genitals to the hands (figure shown in this post).


Thursday, September 15, 2005

What is Herpes Gladiatorum?

What is herpes gladiatorum?
Herpes gladiatorum is a skin infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. It occurs often in wrestlers. It causes a rash that commonly appears on the face, neck, shoulder, and arms.

How does it occur?
An infected wrestler can pass the infection to an uninfected wrestler by skin contact.

What are the symptoms?
The herpes simplex rash is usually a cluster of blisters that may or may not be painful.

How is it diagnosed?
Your health care provider will examine your skin. He or she may do a culture to test for the herpes virus. Knowing that the rash is from the herpes virus may help your provider treat you.

How is it treated?
The rash usually lasts 7 to 10 days. It is important that you do not have skin contact with any uninfected person while you have the skin rash. Your health care provider may prescribe a medicine called acyclovir (Zovirax) in a pill or an ointment form to speed your recovery.

How can it be prevented?
It is important for you to watch for any rashes so you don't spread them to others. In many athletic leagues, wrestlers who have rashes are not allowed to compete. It is also important to routinely clean and disinfect wrestling mats.


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Healing Herpes with Self-Love

I personally am not a big believer (don't believe at all in fact) that "medicine's" are of any value to me or herpes. This is the message which people who "suffer" with herpes need to be reminded of. Bottom line is, there is no reason to
"suffer". Especially because the suffering that the majority of them have is something which they have placed upon themselves.

The message needs to get out to people with herpes that they are not part of some marginalized minority. If you have herpes you are part of a herpes nation that is a majority of the population. It is common and normal to have herpes. It is becoming uncommon not to have herpes. It is long past time for people with herpes to come out of the closet and speak up about herpes to help educate the people who don't have herpes and to put a human face on this disease. The stigma only exists because of the shame people with herpes have agreed to carry. There is no need for this, no reason for this. Shame is not a product of love.

It makes no sense to me to be ashamed of getting a virus from an act of lovemaking or kissing rather than getting a disease from self-abuse or catching an air-borne virus from riding on a subway train. Some people do not love sex and therefore wish to denigrate anything that has to do with sex especially sexually transmitted infections. I learned a long time ago in church that true love is accepting and forgiving and inclusive. People with herpes are not lepers and need not allow themselves to be treated like lepers.

The truth is also that there is no cure for herpes and one isn't likely in our lifetime. So herpes is a lifelong viral infection. The truth is that most people who have herpes don't know it because they have never had a type-specific blood test for herpes either out of fear or lack of awareness. (Herpes tests are not normally part of a STI screening panel, so unless you demand one you may never get one) The truth is that people with herpes can be contagious even when there are no warning signs of the virus being active, so safer sex is something that ought to be considered. The truth is that a person with herpes who does not make peace with the emotional and mental consequences of having herpes will not be able to manage their herpes as effectively as someone who does regardless of how much valtrex or famvir they take.

Forgiveness. Some people with herpes are still angry and resentful with the person who infected them. I can understand this because I hear so many stories. So many people are infected by people who didn't warn them f their herpes status. Many people are infected by unfaithful partners. Some have been raped. It's natural to be angry and bitter when given a life-sentence like herpes. It took me a long time to let go of my negative feelings about my own infection. Everyone is living their own distinct experience with herpes. But I say most sincerely that sooner or later and I hope that it's sooner, there must come a time to forgive and let go if you want to be healthy with herpes. Hanging on to the negative feelings not only damages you physically and otherwise often causing more outbreaks, but it binds you to the past, which you will never free yourself from until you forgive.

Forgive the person who gave you herpes if you can. And if you cannot, keep trying until you can. But more importantly forgive yourself. I come across so many people who have herpes, who are continually punishing themselves for having herpes. They are angry at themselves thinking that they could have been smarter-full of regret and self recriminations. This is not love. Love forgives, love understands.

Be good to yourself, be gentle and loving and patient as if you were your own child. Forgive yourself and reclaim your self-esteem and self-love.

Do you love yourself? Do you really? If you have herpes and love yourself how would you act? Would you be ashamed of your herpes? Would you stop dating and deny yourself love and sex just because you have herpes? Would you be sitting in a vortex of anger and resentment towards the virus? Or would you life be all about love and peace and balance?

If you loved yourself- how would you eat? Would you smoke cigarettes and take recreational drugs, would you drink coffee knowing that it's a trigger for your herpes and bad for your health all the way around?

If you loved yourself and loved others would you practice safer sex with a condom and/or anti-viral gel to help protect your loved one/s from your herpes, would you practice safer sex to protect yourself from other sexually transmitted infections? Would you perhaps be motivated to speak out and try to educate others on how to deal with herpes if they have it or how to protect themselves from herpes if they don't, especially the young people who are just starting to explore their sexuality? If you loved yourself would you be afraid to warn your sex partners about your herpes status? The bible says that "true love casteth out all fear".

You were born with the right to be happy and to enjoy your life and your health to the fullest, having herpes changes none of this.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Most students unaware of herpes infection

The one important statistic missing from your "Herpes missing in STD test routine" article is that 90 percent of the people infected with genital herpes do not know it. Putting that percentage into numbers looks something like: In a classroom of 100 students, 25 will have genital herpes, yet only two will know it. So, next time you're in a classroom, look around.

Read the rest of the article here:

Dear Dr. Phil

My letter to Dr. Phil McGraw

I watched the show with Stephanie and the fact that she had been harboring a secret in regard to being assaulted when she was younger from her friends and family. At the end of the show, Dr. Phil mentioned "If you would like to share a story and to USE YOUR LIFE to help others, please go to www.drphil.com. I was unsuccessful when I typed in keywords "use your life" and found nothing. I searched for a separate message board on this subject as well. There are many topics which people out there are needing to "talk" about, get off their chests and not feel stigmas which have been attached by society. Things which people SHOULD NOT be shameful about. Society needs to be educated and realize what herpes is exactly. Too many people go through life, only learning about something if they have been impacted by it. I was guilty of that as well until the internet came along. I was under the impression that I wouldn't pass the virus along unless I was having an active outbreak. Well, I've learned differently. Did you know that 90% of people out there that have genital herpes don't even know that they have it because they don't get any signs or symptoms? Did you know that herpes is not included in the routine std testing process? Many people don't realize this and I feel we need to do whatever we can to bring more light to the subject.

My "use my life" topic is in regard to the fact that I have genital herpes and for me, it's a "skin condition" but the emotional issues and stigma's attached to it can be overwhelming, in fact I've even heard of folks committing suicide because they felt as though they would never be loved or be able to be intimate or sexual with another person. Over what?? A cold sore located "down yonder", but sadly society has said . . . it's not a good thing, but I along with a whole lot of other people have come to understand that having herpes is NOT the end of the world.

I encourage one of your staff members to join a yahoo group (which I personally help to moderate) for additional information and education on this topic, to understand what those of us who go through having herpes, dating issues, etc. The group is called Picking Up the Pieces.

We also have several members who are on Picking Up the Pieces, who have HPV (human papillomavirus). The site admin of Picking Up the Pieces also created a website which has tons of valuable information as well as true stories written by people who live with genital herpes and oral herpes (reminder: the common cold sore is herpes) each day. You will gain alot of insight by reading many of the true inspirational stories.

Many in the herpes community are ready to step up to the plate, be a member of the audience or one which Dr. Phil might possibly interview on stage, in order to help squash the negative stigma associated with herpes. I personally would love to fill each and every audience seat with people who have herpes, just to show the world, that herpes does not discriminate. It's time for a change and we would like to help others out there to realize they are NOT ALONE. We do have several members though, who have not yet gotten to the point in their herpes journey where they feel comfortable "outing" themselves on national television and that's OK. I know that the Dr. Phil show producers will respect their privacy. Everyone deals with and accepts having herpes at their own pace. I am proud to say, that by having this "Pick Up" board available to those who have herpes has been a godsend for them. If you'll read through the past posts, you'll see many people indicate how grateful they are to all of the information we provide.

We continually refer people to the "Updated Herpes Handbook" which Terri Warren is affiliated with and also answers medical questions about herpes over on WebMD. In my opinion, she would be an excellent candidate as a guest speaker for the show. Other people who I know I can speak for from our community and who would be willing to speak on the show, would be the other two moderators from Picking Up the Pieces, Gayla (who speaks to Doctors at conferences) along with Angela who is also known as yoshi2me and is a Patient Advocate.

In regard to celebrity figures who "supposedly" have genital herpes, I would love to see them step up to the plate and help to spread awareness. I believe it would be beneficial for all of us. The more we can spread herpes awareness, the better it is for everyone and anyone. I did a google search on the keywords "celebrities with herpes". I realize that gossip is gossip, but some of you on staff at Dr. Phil, might have already had interactions with some of these people in the past and might be able to approach them, to verify if this information is true and to see if they'd be willing to help the rest of our community. Coming from The Dr. Phil Show, they might be more willing to help the rest of us out, than we as an anonymous group. (Ann Heche is one name who comes to mind, along with Robin Williams). Mind you, I honestly don't know or even care if they do or don't but that's what the rumor mill has put out there, so I'm sure it's not news to them and if they can help others to "cope" with it, I think they'd be willing to speak and help spread the awareness. Who better than someone who has walked a mile in those shoes.

Also, I'd like to add, that Dr. Ruth, recently wrote a book I'm sure she wouldn't mind having some exposure on called: "Dr. Ruth's Guide to Talking about Herpes".

Recently Michael Vick, (you can read his situation here) due to his ongoing law suit which has been made quite public, I'm not sure how much light he would be able to shed on this or if he'd even be interested, but if he knew the herpes community was behind him, that would be a plus for him. I bet it would be good for him too, to be reminded that he was not alone. My big question to the gal who is trying to sue him is "Did she have her full STD testing done, prior to engaging in sexual activities with him?" Probably not, but in the end, all of us are responsible for our own sexual health and need to be aware and responsible.

People who are diagnosed with herpes, needs someplace to turn for support and yoshi2me has created a web page, linking to Herpes H Pals. Here is my personal contribution to the H Pal Program.

So there you have it. I've given you lots of ideas as to how to formulate an awesome show on the topic of genital herpes and to help spread herpes awareness which is needed very badly. This virus NEEDS to be talked about. In the end, having herpes is not the end of the world for me. I've had it for 17 + years and I have basically quit counting because I've finally accepted having it within myself. I am so much more than herpes and so is anyone and everybody else who might have it. Our internet community is vast. It extends across the waters as well in regard to support and friendship. There are support groups nationwide in almost all major cities where people can go for friendship and support.

Feel free to contact any of those people who I have mentioned above. All of these people have already put themselves out there on the internet and would welcome a new opportunity to continue spreading awareness. They will all be eager to help and all feel that not only Herpes Awareness but STD Awareness is vital to the health and well being of not only adults, but teens as well.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my letter and your consideration on doing a show on this topic. I'm sure you will touch alot of people who are living in fear and silence about this by bringing it to the forefront. This is my opportunity to "Use My Life" to help other people.


Luanne L.

43 years old from Northwestern Pennsylvania

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Why do people attend herpes social gatherings?

1. Because we ALL can't wait to see each other. We're like family.

2. Because there are always many unique and interesting people to
talk to, get to know and spend time with. The opportunity to make
new friends and spend time with old ones.

3. Because everyone has a good time, loads of smiles and tons of

4. Because they have nothing else to do on that designated night.

5. Because; maybe, just maybe, you'll meet that special someone.

6. Because being around others in the same situation is part of the
acceptance and healing process.

7. Because for some, this first step, is part of finding the strength
within..............take this step, and we will be there to help you.

8. Because sometimes we have fun prizes to give away.

9. Because many times, we have a 50/50 male/female ratio (just works
out that way sometimes)

10. Because if you are new, we'll meet you outside and walk in with
you, and, we'll assign a "Buddy" to you, and/or we'll meet you
beforehand. We'll do whatever it takes to help overcome the fear of
walking into a room full of strangers, and we'll make you feel comfortable.

11. Just a bunch of friends who keep inviting more friends!!

12. Because we always have newbies join us for the first time.

13. Because people come from all over, sometimes driving 2 hours
to meet others in the same boat.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Herpes groups and their value to me

We are a group of special people. We are normal, everyday healthy
individuals with something that nobody can take away from us! A
virus called Herpes.... Alot of times people will have the feelings
of guilt, anger, why me, if only I would have been more careful, and
I think every single one of us have pondered that thought over and
over, some for days, some weeks, months, and some like myself for
many (20) years, but there comes a time when we all have to look ahead
and realize it is not the end of the world, it is not the end of a
social life, it is a new beginning in honesty, and being aware of
what really can happen......HAPPINESS>>>>

We all will have it, even though we have this unusal gift, there will
be a day when you will be happy...So to all the newcomers and new
"herpsters" ...keep your chin up, smile on your face, and know that we
are all here to listen, help, advise, and if you need to ask
questions, ask, we are a growing group, there are plenty of us
that do not even know about these groups, I look forward to them
finding us! If I can say one thing on a positive note, if it wasnt
for herpes we would never had the oppurtunity to meet such wonderful
special people like ourselves!!!

Please feel free to comment, and post anything, anytime, no
restrictions except please be respectful of others and tasteful posts.
We are in the USA and the beauty is we can speak freely!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Wow!! Am I reading this right??

Headline reads:

Innovative Therapies Show Promise for Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer Vaccine.

The latest approach to an Alzheimer vaccine turns a type of herpes virus into a harmless shell to deliver genetically engineered precision payloads to the immune system, Howard J. Federoff, M.D., Ph.D., reported at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference on Prevention of Dementia.

Read the full article here and tell me what you think:

What I am getting from this is that if a person has the herpes virus in their system or if you are injected with the herpes virus that this can help towards the Alzheimer's disease. OK......so what TYPE of herpes virus??? How vague can they be :-)

Health Tip: Are You at Risk for AIDS?

by Felicity Stone

(HealthDay News) -- Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which is passed from person to person through exchange of body fluids like blood, semen and vaginal fluid.

According to Seton Hall University in New Jersey, risk factors for infection include:

1. Sex of any type with an infected person.
2. A history of a sexually transmitted disease, such as herpes, gonorrhea or syphilis.
3. Multiple sex partners.
4. Sex with a prostitute, either male or female.
5. Sex with a man if you are male.
6. Shared use of needles and syringes to inject drugs.
7. Blood product transfusions between 1978 and 1985.
8. If you have one or more of the above risk factors, you should be tested for HIV infection.

Find the article here:

note: I wonder why? Is it because they believe the immunity system is not strong enough and that's why those of us who live with herpes got it? I always was under the impression that herpes was not a bloodborn virus but a nerve virus and that AIDS/HIV is a bloodborn virus. Are they simply assuming that if a person has herpes, that they had many sexual partners? If so, this sure might make some people very leary and freaked out. I personally find this hard to believe.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Dating with herpes - an experience

Would you date someone with herpes? I had asked for some experiences and this is one of the replies which I received.

I feel the same way about internet dating, I
have tried it and had mostly bad luck. Most of the
women I talked to seemed open minded at first and then
when I finally mentioned about herpes I got responses
like "Oh my God! You have herpes?!" or "this isn't
going to work after all" or "I don't want to get
herpes, so we'd better end this". I felt like I was
dirty and trying to trick them by the kinds of
responses I got from people. Then one day luck finally
changed somewhat...I had finally met a person on a herpes
site who also has genital herpes and we have been
together 5 months now, and we are planning on staying
together. I think what helped is that I actually met
her 10 years ago through another means, and at that
time she already had herpes, but I didn't. Then later
I ended up getting herpes, and now we met again 10 years
later. Kind of an interesting story?

note: It's unfortunate that the ones who weren't willing to risk getting
to know you and appreciate you for your honesty. I just don't get it
sometimes with people. I truly believe that "fear of the unknown" is
what scares people off. If they truly were meant to be your mate, they
would have done the research, only to find how bloomin' common it truly is.
I'd like to go teach some health classes for these school teachers. That's
the first place we hear about herpes is from Sex Ed classes, so I think
things should be taught about how common it is, not how awful it is. We
keep on a going :-)

Friday, September 09, 2005

STD's on the rise according to reports

Why am I not surprised. People think "It won't happen to me" and some of those who do have it are living in denial if they know they have it or are simply uninformed.

Read the article here:

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Love yourself, before others will love you.

I don't have much experience with holistic herpes treatments, but I also am not necessarily a believer of the standard herpes medicines which are "approved" by the federal government. So here we have it. No matter what this guy might be promoting, I do have to agree with what he said in general. It is SO true!! IMO

A prescription for Love.
For anyone who is struggling with their herpes, and even
for those who are not struggling, here's my prescription
for Love.

Love is the universal agent of healing. Everything good
and positive and sustainable in this world comes from
love. The best prescription for herpes is a daily
mega-dose of love.

Do you love yourself? Has having herpes made you love
yourself less? If others try to trash you for having
herpes- love yourself so hard and so well that the hate
and ignorance from the outside world cannot penetrate
the golden light of love around you.

Are you loving others? or has herpes made you shut down
and go into hiding? People out there need your love. To
withhold your love and sex from others because of being
ashamed of having herpes not only robs you of the
experience of being loved but robs others of the chance
of being loved by you. Love always opens up , real love
doesn't close down. Open your heart and mind and get back
into the world and love.

Do you love your life? Life is such a precious short gift.
It's a crying shame to waste any of it feeling anything
but happy and grateful for life. No matter who you are or
how you live there's always something to love about your
life, everyday.

Do you love your body? Are you giving it the things it needs
to manage herpes? Are you eating and drinking for health
first or to satisfy cravings and addictions (i.e. coffee
and chocolate).

Do you project Loving energy? Are you a shining beacon of
love and beauty in this cold dark world. Love will keep
you safe in the storm and feed you when you are hungry.

Have you learned how to make peace with the virus?
Without peace can love really set down it's roots?

Credit for post given to:
Christopher Scipio
holistic herpes treatment specialist

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Condom fatigue?

Genital herpes is on the rise Increase may be due in part to 'condom fatigue' Sounds like sheer laziness to me!

Genital herpes is a disease that will stay with those affected for the rest of their lives. An estimated 20 per cent of Canadians now live with it.

Read the article:

Three circumcised babies with herpes spark NY health probe

I had read this story before in regard to a spiritual ritual being done on new born baby boys.

The first part of the article reads:

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and municipal health officials met recently with local ultra-Orthodox leaders to discuss banning mohelim (ritual circumcisers) from performing the Talmudic custom known as metzitzah b'peh (oral suction), in which blood is drawn from the circumcision wound to cleanse it. The New York Times reported on August 26 that this practice became a health issue after three infants circumcised by the same mohel were infected with the herpes virus. One of the babies subsequently died.

Health officials in New York suspect that oral suction exposes the infants to Type-1 herpes, which is common in adults but can be fatal to infants.

A baby from Staten Island and twins from the Hasidic community of Monsey contracted the disease; one of the twins died in February.

Read the entire article here:

Monday, September 05, 2005

Herpes Virus Family

The herpes virus family includes :

1. herpes simplex virus type 1
2. herpes simplex virus type 2
3. varicella-zoster virus - shingles and chicken pox
4. Epstein Barr virus - mono and chronic fatigue syndrome
5. cytomegalovirus - cmv
6. human herpesvirus 6 -roseola
7. human herpesvirus 7 - no other name I could find
8. human herpesvirus 8-Karposi's sarcoma

HPV is not a member of the herpes family. It is a member of the
Papovaviridae virus family.


Sunday, September 04, 2005

Herpes support in New Hampshire

Seacoast Herpes Support is sponsored by the American Social Health Association’s Herpes Resource Center (ASHA-HRC) and by the Feminist Health Center of Portsmouth. This group is known as a HELP group. Confidentiality is a priority at ASHA affiliated HELP groups, and its objectives are to provide individuals an opportunity to share experiences, obtain accurate information and gain support. ASHA-HRC provides technical assistance, educational materials and medical information from a knowledgeable health professional.

Check out their help pages here:

I think my wife was cheating on me.

Because I just found out I have herpes. Is it possible that she was cheating on me? I'm afraid to talk to her about this.

Read this article:

Friday, September 02, 2005

What is Asymptomatic Shedding

What is shedding and when does it happens? Do we know it is happening? How many people asymptomatically shed? I see this phrase mentioned all the time.

Asyptomatic shedding is when the virus is being shed
from the body without showing any visible signs of an outbreak.
Unfortunately we can't tell when this is happening, or it would
be a lot easier to keep from spreading the virus to others. It is
said that the body sheds less often the longer you have the virus
in your system, in the first couple of years, you'll shed more
often then years down the line. It can be reduced significantly
by using daily anti-virals, but it won't stop it completely.
How much the virus is shed is also dependant on what form of the
virus you have, and where you have it. I, for instance have HSV-1
genitally (the one that normally is present orally). Since the
genitals aren't its major site of preference, it sheds the virus
less often then it would if it were on my mouth. HSV-2 genitally
will likely shed more often, as it would be at its site of
preference, while it wouldn't shed as often if it were found on
the mouth.

I recommend taking the time to read the online herpes handbook
It is some of the best information on herpes I've read. There is also a section on how to reduce the chances of transmitting it to a partner and what precautions to take.
